Education Resources - Digital Footprint Misfits
Children Usage of the Internet
 Remember that what is good or bad in the real world is also good or bad when making use of technology.
!  Think before you act! - Act responsibly towards yourself and others whether online or offline.
Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is perpetrated by means of modern technology, amongst others, through emails, sms and social networking sites. What is particular about cyber bullying is that it is ongoing and can take place 24/7.
Mobile Safety Leaflet
The majority of mobiles on the market are smart phones. These mini-computers give users 24/7 access to the Internet and also offer other features which make life easier especially when on the move.
Board Game
Balanced Used - Sticker

Parenting in the digital era

A booklet describing why children are so attached to devices and spending time on the Internet, advices to give them in order to have a positive online experience and alternatives to time spent on the internet.
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